Wellness Sessions


Do you feel like you need grounding and support but aren’t sure exactly what that looks like?

Don’t worry - I got you!

Wellness sessions provide space for you to layout current challenges, then trust me to take it from there. Based on your concerns and using intuitive wisdom from spirit, your session will be tailored to help you shift your energy and get back inflow. You’ll also receive suggestions for wellness practices and remedies to help you feel more empowered as you navigate life changes.

The result? A more balanced and aligned you. 


It’s Time to Balance

Our body is made up of 3 different systems physical, mental, and emotional. When we are out of balance in one, we are out of balance in all. Fatigue, confusion, anxiety, and emotional stress eventually lead to spiritual disconnection; or the inability to trust your intuition. A Wellness Session will help you find inner peace and clarity to navigate life’s ups and downs:

Do you feel: 

  • Sadness, grief, or a sense of loss

  • Insomnia, anxiety, anxious, uncertain

  • Stuck, heavy, dis-interested

  • Angry, defensive, or on-edge 

  • Ready for a fresh start and want to ground yourself and gain clarity

  • Out of balance in general

If you feel any of these things for more than a few days, it’s time for a Wellness Session.


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What to Expect from a Wellness Session

Your session is a customized selection of intuitive, healing, and ritual practices : 

  • Reiki Healing

  • Shamanic Journey or Meditation

  • Chakra Cleansing

  • Cord-Cutting

  • Intuitive Guidance

  • Ancestral Messages

  • Herbal Remedies

Book a session

Wellness Session
from $150.00