Wellness Session

Wellness Session
These mini-coaching sessions are meant to help bring you back into balance. There are times when life is uncertain, heavy, or overwhelming and starts to chip away at you. You may even feel ill or experience physical ailments connected to stress or grief. If you desire to feel both grounding and clear and have a better perspective of your circumstances, what contributed to them, and most importantly steps to take to move forward this is the session for you.
Wellness sessions are custom to your needs at the moment. You tell me what’s troubling you and I’ll decide which healing practice will be most effective to get you back into balance.
Session length: 90 minutes
This session is offered sliding scale, pick the price that makes sense for your budget. When others pay more it helps off-set the price for those who pay less. You get the same quality session regardless of what you pay.
After submitting your payment you will receive an intake form, please complete it and email me when you are done. Next, schedule an appoint at least 24hrs after sending the in-take form so I can have time to review. https://calendly.com/exaltedmoonwellness/90-healing-session