Mood Lifter Tincture
Mood Lifter Tincture
Mood Lifter’s blend of herbs combats depression, anxiety, melancholy, and low energy to create greater emotional balance. You’ll feel calmer, stress-free, and more energy (without overstimulation).
All remedies are infused with intentions, blessings for healing, and sealed with reiki energy.
Mood Lifter Healing focus: Nervous system, Digestion, Low energy
Energetic Qualities: Balances feminine and masculine energy, soothes and activates
Spiritual/Emotional: Root and Sacral Chakra. Answers your subconscious call for emotional support, nurturing, and a sense of belonging. Helps you release emotional and nervous stress for greater balance and a feeling of renewal. Connects with strength in divine feminine energy. Attracts love, good luck, and joy.
*Physical: Positively impacts the nervous system (calming), emotional balance and release of repressed emotion. Aids digestion and stomach issues related to anxiety. Boosts energy, increases the flow of chi, and libido.
1oz. herbal blend in brandy – take 2 dropper-fulls 3X a day as needed.
*If you pregnant, nursing, or have glaucoma consult with your doctor or send me an email before using this herbal remedy.
Herbal remedies are nature’s medicine which humans have used to treat spiritual, emotional, and physical ailments since antiquity. The usage and effectiveness herbal medicine is not supported by the FDA. Herbal remedies are not proven effective to prevent or cure disease. Use at your discretion.